hello Guido,
thanks for pointing the pix_texture bug. You should thanks Iohannes who correct it yesterday (I did not test it yet)
congratulation for your patch, result really look great.
about "bugs to be fixed" comment in this patch : 1 - should be fixed since yesterday thanks to Iohannes 2 - i don't think i have this problem on my computer. (i add a translate on the scene B in order to have the square cut by the edge of the windows, and the blur did not appear on the other side of the window.) see : http://chnry.free.fr/blur.png did i miss the problem, or did it work better on my computer than on your's? 3 - as i did mention earlier, the problem is not the console, but the fact that the framebuffer are destroy and created. i have no idea on how to improve this. (does anyone have an idea?) but there is a way to bypass this problem : you can render only in a part of the framebuffer. by example, you can multiply texture coordinate by 10, and render only on 1/10 of the frambuffer. ok, it's a hack, but it should not be to bad regarding performance.
you could also only simulate the downsampling of the image using a step fonction to read the texture, but this is certainly worst for performance.
i'll investigate point 2.
Le 25/10/2011 11:37, Guido Tamino a écrit :
Hi Cyrille,
thanks for committing the [pix_texture] bug. Here is attached the fast blur patch I'm working on. The patch is commented and pretty self-explainatory, I wrote down a list of bugs to be figured out (like the quality and repeat thing). I'm getting some nice results on osx, don't know about other platforms. I guess there is a lot of redundant stuff that could be optimized, tips and feedback are welcome.
Best, Guido