On 02/08/2013 01:07 AM, Antoine Villeret wrote:
thanks for the feedback,
I thought it was dynamically linked I tested it on a Mac OS 10.6.6 32bit machine where I installed OpenCV 2.3.3 with Fink and it works well
should I embbed the library in the mach-o ? if so, I don't how to...
"embed" in this context does not mean "static linking" (as in: embedding into the binary file), but rather shipping "side-by-side" (as in: embedding into the zip-file/install-directory).
hans' script will simply fix the search-paths in the .pd_darwin file (so it first searches for libopencv_core.2.3.dylib in '.' (besides the pd_darwin), rather than in /sw/lib or /usr/local/lib)
gmsdr IOhannes