guenter geiger wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, IOhannes zmoelnig wrote:
hi all.
arghh, this ifdef stuff is really, really a pain and a hack.
Please, either just drop the GLTT things or sort them out into a new class. I can't believe that you did it again :)
yes, i can't either... however, i would have dropped the GLTT-stuff completely if and only if everybody things it's ok. so, dev's out there, get to your computer (probably you are already there), download the new CVS-things, make it compile. you will need the FTGL-package (which will move into GemLibs/) and probably you will need the freetype-lib too.
as soon as it works everywhere we should delete all the gltt-stuff. (so, please, inform this list if it works)
- particle
added several new objects: [part_veldomain] let's you set the velocity domain (more flexible than [part_velsphere] and friend) [part_velocity] sets the velocity into a certain direction most notable: [part_vertex] emits one (only 1) particle each rendering cycle, but the offset-position of these particles can be set. this allows moving particle-sources without moving the whole particle system.
great, I have just done almost the same things yesterday :(
seems like we are doing the same things quite often in the past few days.
I would have liked to have the part_veldomain thing only and deprecate part_velsphere, part_velcone and part_velocity.
Actuall only keeping an object called part_velocity with domain support. THis matches closer the particle API and people can directly use the particle documentation if they want to understand what is going on.
i have put the [part_velocity] object only in, because it is a separate function in the particle-API (papi.h). but i agree...
Then it would be great to have domain support for the other operations too (like part_source, etc ...)
i have already put the domain-support into [part_source], but have forgotten to make the arguments setable....that's why i haven't mentioned it...
mfg.asd.r IOhannes