On 2011-05-31 17:41, Antoine Villeret wrote:
I can't get pix_gst2pix to work on my machine (Ubuntu 10.04). I tried the test patch gst2pix.pd but the texture stays blank... I've put some post() in the code to try to track from where the bug comes now I just know that all functions are well called but pix_info sends only -1 on all outlets when I put it between pix_gst2pix and pix_texture even the 6th and 7th outlet are sending -1 whereas they used to send list... and nothing is sent throught the 8th outlet does anyone have any idea to fix this ?
should be fixed in (pdgst's) SVN now. the problem is, that Gem has changed it's GemState infrastructure and pdgst has not been updated accordingly.
fgmasdr IOhannes