On Oct 5, 2005, at 12:45 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
james tittle wrote:
...but I'd also like to suggest (again, first posted in april) that we sidestep this whole morass and adopt glew (or something similar, tho I've happily used glew on many other projects), and move all this silliness of compile-time extension checking to runtime checking... http://glew.sf.net ...it's just a header and a coupla c files, that can either be compiled into a lib or just absorbed into gem like we've done with other necessary libs...the only problem is that this is a big task, and probably affects every file in GEM...other than that, I would've done it already ;-) whatcha think?
i think it is a good idea (have to check with w32 first)
...glew works on all platforms we support, and also supports all extensions up to and including opengl2.0...there are two other projects that may also be considered:
http://elf-stone.com/glee.php http://www.julius.caesar.de/oglext/
...I've use glee before also, and it may be even simpler than glew...? A good crop of choices, as all support what we need...