IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
cyrille henry wrote:
hello, just for your information :
i can't find in the list archive, but did you remember when i get crash while sending open messages to pix_image? the crash append if the file did not exist, or if i tried to open a file that was not an image. at that time, compiling gem solve the problem, so i was not able to find where was the problem.
right i can remember it (and i remember to not being able to reproduce it ;-))
but now, this is appening again. when it crash, i've got this on the terminal :
pd: magick/exception.c:845: ThrowMagickExceptionList: Assertion `exception->sign ature == 0xabacadabUL' failed. Pd: signal 6 pd_gui: pd process exited Erreur de segmentation
is this ubuntu or debian(testing/unstable)? with nvidia drivers?
ubuntu dapper, with nvidia driver.
does it crash as well if you create an empty [pix_freeframe] object? if so, you are likely experiencing a bug related to Exception-handling and libstdc++/nvidia; using older libstdc++ helps.
no, it did not crash.
i've just got something normal in the pd window :
trying to load /home/cyrille/ error: pix_freeframe[/home/cyrille/]: /home/cyrille/: cannot read file data: Is a directory error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin pix_freeframe ... couldn't create
mfg.asdr IOhannes
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