B. Bogart wrote:
gembuffer ? gembuf? (gemwin)
james tittle wrote:
name it, and where it should go in the folder hierarchy? Currently it's named [gemframebuffer], but really I think [gemoffscreen] would be
as you state correctly, the name [gembuffer] would be coherent with the name [gemwindow], so the functionality should be coherent too. (imo, the same goes for [gemframebuffer] and [gemoffscreen].) i foresee nameclashes with the multiple_windows (whenever they will come...)
...also, on my harddrive I put it in src/controls (it would be inserted into a gemchain after [gemhead]), but I guess it could also go in src/manips, or even src/Nongeos?
could it be an option to make an alternative(!) [gemhead] out of this object?. so people could decide whether an entire gemchain is onscreen ([gemhead]) or offscreen ([???]). if so, i would vote for something really clumsy like [gemhead_os] ("clumsy" since i cannot think of a better name, not because the object _should_ be named clumsy of course)
mfg.ads.r IOhannes