xà wrote:
what do you mean by "manage and manipulate"?
the point is that i'd be interested in manipulate this kind of images due to the inner properties that in fact can be scannable as an xml file, so id like to know if is it possible to manipulate this kind of 'images' not as bitmaps, just as what those are >> vectors that can be transformed with differented algorythms (for example, 'simplify' implemented in inkscape) that it would be nice to play in real time visuals. :D
i understand this desire, hence the question about "manage and manipulate". nevertheless, afaict libsugar will not give you any more low-level access (though it will render the svg in a more Gem-like way)
i don't think Gem's model of representing data fits your needs. but i'm open for ideas.
fgamdr IOhannes