Hi, great to get a start. picked the glsl and glew files from trunk compiled on mac 10.5.6
in the glew.ccp was the (char*) missing before malloc symbolName = (char*)malloc(strlen((const char*)name) + 2); glew.cpp:83: error: invalid conversion from ‘void*’ to ‘char*’
vertex and fragment seems working normal even though -GL: invalid value- appears in pd window the glsl_geometry object didn´t post a shaderID
the geometry code needs the glProgramParameteriEXT functions to declare the shader input and output Primitives types and the count of vertices this have to set parameter have to set after creating the program but before linking
matthias schrieb marius schebella:
Hi, I see two glsl_geometry files in the svn. but I am not sure which version of svn I have to check out? it's not 0.91-3?? has anyone already tested the objects? Marius.
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
SourceForge.net wrote:
Initial Comment: it would be great to add a glsl_geometry object to load geometry shader. It should be compatible with already existing glsl_vertex and glsl_fragment object...
if someone with newer hardware than me feels like trying them out, go ahead...i checked some code in yesterday. fgamsdr IOhannes
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