james tittle wrote:
On Feb 10, 2006, at 9:20 AM, james tittle wrote:
tried /Users/tigital/puredataDev/Gem/build/Chromium.frf; stat failed or directory
...ok, just realized what the problem is: freeframe plugins on osx ARE directories! Actually, they're bundles, somewhat similar to application "bundles" or frameworks, such that there is a directory structure surrounding a binary that allows the inclusion of relevent resources (ie. plists/xml, icons, etc.) So the problem here is that it's finding the "Chromium.frf" ok, but it's crapping out because it's not a binary!
...now, how do we get around this? I suppose it'd be something like an osx specific search for a directory of the name "*.frf"...
after a quick glance at Pete's CoreImage plugins (i guess you are referring to those): how about trying to search for a file within the bundle? i see that the bundle for the plugin "Gloom" is a directory "CIGloom.frf" which holds the actual binary "CIGloom.frf/CIGloom" so my idea is to open_via_path() a file printf("%s.frf/%s", name, name), and pass that (probably stripping off the "/*" part) to bundle-loader.
however, i have no idea whether this is generic enough to keep working...
the other question is, why freeframe-plugins on osx _are_ bundles at all (i don't find this in the specs)
mfg.ad.r IOhannes