Hey all,
I'm sure your tired of hearing me say this but...
I think Cyrille's physical modeling stuff would be most beutifully (gem-wise) manifested in Chris's vertex_array stuff. I think the message over-head of sending the data to pix_vertex for each vertex would probably be a performance anoyance, so how about something faster to allow these physical models to be applied to geometry? (I suppose this is also closely related to the issue of high-performance GUI in pd for this stuff...)
Well I'm just thinking out loud again...
Oh and cyrille, do you have an example of a patch that uses lia and masse in a two dimentional matrix? (with the ability to put forces on it in 3 dimensions). for example having each node in the matrix control a curve3d control point? :)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cyrille Henry" cyrille.henry@la-kitchen.fr To: "Frank Barknecht" fbar@footils.org Cc: "PDlist" pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 9:52 AM Subject: Re: [PD] physical modeling objects for pd
Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Cyrille Henry hat gesagt: // Cyrille Henry wrote:
I have made a serie of objects for physical modeling with pd. The object send Data but NO AUDIO.
the aim is to generate data for the control of an audio synthesis and/or video synthesis... it's just like http://www.sodaplay.com/ for pd.
I always loaved soda. Now I have soemthing else to love: Yours are wonderful objects, soo nice.
I upload sources + object for windows and linux + exemples here :
Could you also provide a source archive?
ok : I add a zip file in the src directory with the .C files.
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