Thanks Cyrille,
I (think) I figured it out through visual experimentation, that is changing the perspec and swapping views until all three squares are visually the same size.
I did not get a chance to test it yesterday, but I'll be in the lab tomorrow to give it a wirl...
Thanks again all,
cyrille henry wrote:
i don't understand the question, but : tan (angle) = size of the window / distance of the camera. (so, you don't nead unit).
otherwise, a good openGL book with a clear graphic of what exactely perspec and view message are is the only thing you nead...
B. Bogart a écrit :
hi Cyrille,
seems a little obvious now, I think I was trying to change the perspective angle by trying to move the Z planes, not the XY planes!
So the question is:
I know what angle I need, or what size and position I want the gemwin to be, but I don't know how to map this to the units of perspec.
What do the perspec units mean?
I'll keep messing around...
Thanks for the tip!
On Mon, April 3, 2006 3:06 pm, cyrille henry said:
i think you should use more the perspect message than the view message.
try by example : perspect 0 2 -1 1 1 20 and perspect -2 0 -1 1 1 20 to create 2 screens that perfectilly connected.
you can also try : perspect 0 $1 -1 1 1 20 to adjust the lens...
B. Bogart a écrit :
Hey all,
Anyhow I tried another approach to my setup so that all the three virtual cameras require the same lens, but alas it still does not work since the default lens of the camera does not match what I would like.
A quick run down of what I'm doing:
I have a (physical) space with three rear-projection screens. I want to have three gemwins (on different machines) that each sees the gemworld from the view of each of these physical screens. They are fixed in space, surrounding a room at angles (see attached filen which shows the view of the room from the top). Basically the virtual gem-space is then mapped into the physical space on multiple screens. (cave-like, but of course not a cube of screens)
So its easy enough to get the camera to point at the center of each virtual screen, but the edges of the screen don't match the edges of the gemwin. (in the attached OOo diagram we should see only the red square in screen 2, and the green square in screen 3, but both the red and green squares are visible in both screen 2 and screen 3.
Method-A and Method-B slides show the two options for the camera views, in option A the camera plane is parallel to the screen plane, but the distances from camera to screen are different. In method-B the camera is the same distance from all the screens, but for screen 2 and 3 the camera plane is not parallel to the screen plane.
Also I included a few attached patches:
virtual-camera-test2 is method-A virtual-camera-test3 is method-B.
I'd really like to get this resolved, since we're hoping to do many gem-projects in this space with these three screens...
Thanks all, .b.
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