On 2013-03-26 04:09, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
thanks for the patch. i included it.
There are still some bugs, in particular relating to sharing textures between multiple [pix_texture] objects - not sure what's going on there (I'm not too familiar with Gem internals). I'm also not sure which version of OpenGL introduced glGenerateMipmap(), maybe that needs checking at runtime to avoid crashes?
i think glGenerateMipmap is part of the GL_ARB_framebuffer_object extension.
(Also some weirdness with my fresh git clone in that 'git add help/pix_texture-help.pd' did precisely nothing, so I attached my modified version too.)
the reason is most likely that the help-patch has not been modified. (at least, when i do a diff between your attached file and the one in my repository, they seemed to be the same)
fgamsdr IOhannes