I think that if it's working on 0.87 it will work on curent version. am I right?
...right! well, at least I know "right" cuz I just downloaded and tested it :-) Very nice...
...if ya want, I can commit it to the cvs?
I fear this will lead to a proliveration of this kind of objects. Can't the tube functionality be added to the cylinder ..?
cylinder use an open GL primitive (gluCylinder). tube use GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, and compute the position of all point independantly.
I think tube is less efficient than cylinder.
so I'm not sure remplacing cylinder with tube is a good thing.
(I made this primitive because I use to do the same thing with gemglbegin / gemglend etc. wich is a good way to do it, but not very efficient...)
well, don't really know what to do...