Hi dear list,
I am using GEM for several months for my own experimentation and some artists friends. I've tried to do a GEM external on OSX but I've failed. I've used the same process that works on Linux, and I've ended with similar results to the ones Sebastian posted on the list few days ago (see Sebastian's message at the end of this message).
If someone has by the past succeeded in making an external on OSX, could he help Sebastian and I ? Do we forgot a fundamental step ?
By the way, as a workaround, I was thinking in compiling the whole GEM from the Xcode project file that comes with the GEM source. But I miss the GemLibs folder that is available only for NT and Linux. Where could I find GemLibs for OSX ?
In advance, thank you very much for any help or any suggestion.
____ Sebastian's message:
i am pretty new to PD and GEM but i love it and i want to use it form some project i am going to work on. so, lets get to the point. i have to write an external for PD which uses GEM to make some image processing. i managed to write a simple external for PD which was not very hard. but i could not yet get a GEM external up and running. i am working on macosx and windows.
my latest work ended up in a lot of unresolved externals while PD is trying to load my external. i simply took the pix_blur class, changed it minimally and tried to compile it using the following lines:
g++ -o pix_myblur.o -c pix_myblur.cpp -I../src g++ -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o pix_myblur.pd_darwin pix_myblur.o
running "./pd -lib Gem -lib pix_myblur" results in the following:
dyld: ./pd Undefined symbols: __ZN11imageStruct5clearEv __ZN7GemBase11setModifiedEv __ZN7GemBase17obj_setupCallbackEP6_class __ZN7GemBase17realStopRenderingEv __ZN7GemBaseD2Ev __ZN9CPPExtern16setCPPObjectNameEPc __ZN9CPPExtern8m_holderE __ZN9GemPixObj10postrenderEP8GemState __ZN9GemPixObj12processImageER11imageStruct __ZN9GemPixObj14setPixModifiedEv __ZN9GemPixObj15processRGBImageER11imageStruct __ZN9GemPixObj17obj_setupCallbackEP6_class __ZN9GemPixObj6renderEP8GemState __ZN9GemPixObjC2Ev __ZTV9GemPixObj __ZnwmPvS_ Trace/BPT trap
well, what did i forget? if somebody has a little makefile or hint, i would be very thankful. how can i load the Gem.pd_darwin symbols in my external, or do i have to do it? Thank you in advance.