Hey all,
So after getting back into using libtif to write image files, they are still not quite right.
1. I'm not using imagemagick because it conflicts with gphoto.
2. Still loading tifs into python-imaging.
Looks like its a bounds problem. "identify" tells me this about the pix_buffer saved tifs:
frame_00000.tif TIFF 640x480 640x480-2147483648-2147483648 8-bit DirectClass 1.172mb
Notice the bizarre geometry.
I'm using the 0.92 branch, maybe this is fixed in trunk?
thanks, .b.
On 08-11-05 03:16 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
B. Bogart wrote:
Hey all,
I've had trouble loading some TIFs generated in pd/Gem in PIL (python imaging). I asked on the list and it seems PIL expects some particular TIF tags being set in order to recognize the image.
ok, i have fixed this now.
I think it can only be an improvement to add these tags so that tifs generated in pd/Gem can be loaded by as many applications as possible.
The attachment contains the specific tags.
nevertheless: Gem tries to default to use imagemagick for reading/writing images (on lin and win). imagemagick does produce correct files (with all tifftags set). the missing tifftags only occured (though this is know fixed) when using the fallback libtiff library. is there any reason why you are not using imagemagick?
mfg.ui.,xdf IOhannes