This allowed me to build pix_videoDS with the 'latest and greatest' SDKs. You would think a $50 billion a year company might, you know, document these things, but I guess not. Only two days spent tracking this down.
On to the next layer of hell - making it actually work and run well.
On 12/1/05, chris clepper wrote:
I have built GEM 0.90 wihtout pix_videoDS and am now trying CVS to see if it will work. This is the errorr I get during linking and have very little idea what it means.
DSgrabber.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall ATL::AtlWinModuleInit(struct ATL::_ATL_WIN_MODULE70 *)" (?AtlWinModuleInit@ATL@@YGJPAU_ATL_WIN_MODULE70@1@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall ATL::CAtlWinModule::CAtlWinModule(void)" (??0CAtlWinModule@ATL@@QAE@XZ) pix_videoDS.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall ATL::AtlWinModuleInit(struct ATL::_ATL_WIN_MODULE70 *)" (?AtlWinModuleInit@ATL@@YGJPAU_ATL_WIN_MODULE70@1@@Z) DSgrabber.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class ATL::CAtlBaseModule ATL::_AtlBaseModule" (?_AtlBaseModule@ATL@@ 3VCAtlBaseModule@1@A) pix_videoDS.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class ATL::CAtlBaseModule ATL::_AtlBaseModule" (?_AtlBaseModule@ATL@@ 3VCAtlBaseModule@1@A) ../Gem.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
I built the DirectShow Sample stuff (which is now no longer part of DirectX SDK?!?) and I'm using VS Pro 2003 which is quite painful.
Any clues?