afaik, there is a ImageMagick can be compiled with cairo support.
well yeah. It doea look like cairo is a build dep for imagemagick....
although i do get a "[pix_image]: failed to load image '/Users/megrimm/ID242.pdf'" when trying to load a PDF....
same thing for an .svg
2012/3/26 IOhannes m zmölnig
On 03/26/12 17:40, m.e.grimm wrote:
Doesn't imagemagick do the same things as libcairo?
afaik, there is a ImageMagick can be compiled with cairo support.
although svg/pdf/ do not load in pix_image using imageMAGICK backend correct?
no, pix_image with imageMAGICK can load pdfs (though it takes a while to render them)
fgamdr IOhannes
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