Thanks, that did the trick. One thing I didn't understand is what do you mean when you say "rectangle textures" ? And which textures can be repeated ?Is this documented somewhere ? Thanks again for your answer, and congratulations, gem works great in osx.
On Oct 19, 2004, at 10:24 AM, chris clepper wrote:
Rectangle textures do not have the option to repeat only clamp. You can force power-of-two textures by sending a 'mode 0' to pix_texture, but be aware of the performance hit when using power-of-two textures.
On Oct 19, 2004, at 2:47 AM, Mirko Petrovich wrote:
Hi all
I noticed [pix_coordinate] behaves different in os x and linux. In patch 02.TexCoord, the texture is repeated in Linux and in osx it looks clipped. I wonder if this object is broken or there is a new syntax for the values ?