ok. i commit a fix to this bug. there is no compatibility option for old patch, but i hope no one would need it. changes are minor : all Gem example patch works.
tell me if it's a problem.
cyrille henry a écrit :
i fink i find a good / simple way to solve the problem. with just a pushmatrix (for the perspective matrix and not the projection matrix) in the framebuffer::render, and a popmatrix in the post render.
i'll test this here, and if nothing bad happend, i'll commit it.
thanks cyrille
IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
cyrille henry wrote:
and to move static int m_w; static int m_h; from private to public in GemMan.h
at least these should be accessed with GemMan::getRealDimen(&x,&y);
mfgas.dr IOhannes
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