hello, thanks for the answer,
that would be great i think, but is this a plan or a work in progress?
is it part of the multiple windows branch that is in development since many years now?
IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
cyrille henry wrote:
hello, i'm using more and more framebuffer so i'm facing some limitation.
by exemple, i'd like to be able to change perspective and view point. This should not be to hard to add this fonctionality, and i'll give a try when i've got few time.
To be able to change lighting on different framebuffer would also be nice, but i don't think it would be easy.
But the biggest limitation i have is that it's only possible to to draw in a framebuffer with 1 gemhead. does anyone have an idea how to use multiples gemhead to draw in the same framebuffer? what change would it need in the gem sources?
my plan to allow multiple render trees is, to break the functionality of [gemhead] and [gemwin] into separate objects and to use send/receive for the communication.
see attached patch
fgmasdrt IOhannes