On Oct 20, 2004, at 3:02 PM, B. Bogart wrote:
I'm trying to create a 1024x1024 gemwindow and I cannot get it to render!
The window gets created but it remains totally white and never renders any objects. When I lower to 1000x1000 it seems to work fine black background with objects rendered. I took a little walk through the code and did not see anything limiting a resolution to 1000x1000... I have no idea what is up.
1001x 1001 also does not work... looks like everything over 1000 is no go.
...sounds like a VRAM limitation? What kind of card are you using, and are you using spanning monitors? Also, what else is open, application-wise? Remember that everything (windows and icons) in OSX is resident on the card, so if you have less than 32MB's you'll eventually run into this problem :-(