pix_color replaces all of the pixels in an image so getting a solid color is what one would expect. I don't know what you are trying to do with pix_rgba, but I don't think there is any reason to use this unless you need to convert YUV or grey to RGB.
I responded to your other thread about pix_alpha not working, but I could not reproduce the problem. I ran a diff on pix_image and pix_alpha and both appear to be the same code on my machine and CVS.
On Nov 7, 2007 2:49 PM, marius schebella marius.schebella@gmail.com wrote:
with pix_film the pix_info gives me a colorspace output of 34233, but I cannot use it with pix_color, that gives only white color... pix_rgba does some conversion, but then again pix_stays is white. [pix_film] (pix_info: 34233) | [pix_rgba] (pix_info: 32993) | [pix_color] (white) this is with gem 0.91 from cvs nov 5 from (comes with the latest pd-extended). marius.
chris clepper wrote:
If you use pix_film instead of pix_image to load the image do you have the same problems?
On Nov 7, 2007 9:33 AM, marius schebella marius.schebella@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I don't know if that helps, but here is what I get when I connect a pix_info to a pix_image: colorspace 32993. (which is supposed to be GL_BGRA). is this what it should be? when I connect pix_image to pix_color (and texture and square) the image is messed up (colors are yellowish blue and luminance are somehow combined). when I connect pix_image to pix_yuv the image appears blueish and I get colorspace 34233 (GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE). [color] works (colorspace 32993).
another problem is this: [pix_image] | [pix_rgba] | [pix_texture] when I rename the object pix_rgba to pix_color, then the image gets yellow. but then even when I disconnect pix_color and go directly from pix_image to pix_texture the image stays yellow, until I reload the image (then it is fine again).
I can test which other pix objects are broken (pix_alpha for example...) marius.
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