Quoting John Harrison john.harrison@wichita.edu:
BTW did I understand that you went from the ATI proprietary drivers to the open-source ATI drivers? Last I knew, the open-source ATI drivers didn't support direct rendering/3D hardware accel. Has this changed?
I have an ATI Radeon 9600 M10 and I discovered the r300 sourceforge project (http://r300.sourceforge.net/) and then read somewhere that the driver had become part of the xorg source (I think). Anyway the propritary drivers were stopping me from using the CCRMA kernel and they didn't really seem to speed much up - probably because I don't really know enough about what I am doing.
I was told to run quake as a benchmark but I never got around to it.
Now I am trying to do some projection work for some dancers and I need to get gem working with my DV camera while disabeling as little as I can within GEM. I am curious if that little line or two of code I added will allow Gem to find my camera.
I just ran yum update xorg* and 13 packages were updated but I still get the error. What are you all using as your display managers? Any tips? Thanks!