On 2016-02-21 18:04, Jonghyun Kim wrote:
"vera.ttf" missing in Gem folder. To fix it, copy vera.ttf file into Gem folder. [text2d] and [text3d] also says this message. Is it a known bug?
thanks for the report.
however, i would say: it's known to be not a bug.
vera.ttf is just the default default font (if you want another default font, you can tell so during the configure-phase). you can also set the the default font via gem.conf (and iirc some envvars). and i assume that most patches will want another font anyhow...
apart from that: what exactly do you mean by "Gem folder"? how have you obtained this Gem folder? (downloaded and unzipped?, built Gem manually? built and *installed*? ...)
vgmst IOhannes