hi there,
On Mon, 26/5/14, Antonio Roberts antonio@hellocatfood.com wrote:
Is this a problem with GEM?
more likely a problem with x11 / opengl / your gfx driver … the following usually works fine for me on my performance boxes with nvidia / intel gfx hardware:
- don't use a compositing window manager - fluxbox is a good choice - on top of that, start compton¹ with something like compton --opengl --vsync opengl-swc --paint-on-overlay & (off the top of my head - i can look up the exact parameters i am using if you need them)
you still might have to experiment with various driver settings (vsync to which monitor / video output?), but compton seems to be the silver bullet.
hth, t.
¹ - an extremely lightweight compositor, see https://github.com/chjj/compton . the version in the jessy repos works fine for me, don't know about ubuntu.