chris clepper wrote:
On 1/9/07, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
thanks; cannot test it now though, since the student with his laptop is not here right now. however, i was rather asking for a Gem.pd_darwin (including static ftgl support) built for macintel. do you happen to have one of these too? i could put it online on the iem-site.
I have not managed to build one that works for both Pd 0.39 and before and 0.40. I have attached the 0.40 one. Maybe that is not a problem since MacIntel support seems to be best on 0.40.
ok thanks. i have put it online again, and while doing so, i found that i already had a macintel binary online, though very will hidden.
i think i should make the cvs-snapshot section more prominent.
the link is
mfga.sdr IOhannes
PS: i did not let your original email through including the binary, since it was > 1MB
cool. and i always thought the FLOSS world had problems with APIs that are quickly outdated.... ;-), or rather :-(
Apple seems far more interested in making things new and exciting rather than stable and efficient. The curse of Jobs removes any development that would not make for a flashy keynote demo.