** [bugs:#248] GEM on windows 10 and pd vanilla can't load library**
**Status:** open **OS:** w32 **Release:** 0.93 **Labels:** GEM **Created:** Thu Feb 23, 2017 02:22 AM UTC by Anonymous **Last Updated:** Thu Feb 23, 2017 02:22 AM UTC **Owner:** nobody
Hi. I've tried to install and use the Gem Library on Pure data Vanilla 0.47.1 on windows 10. At the moment i've used pd as admin and installed the library via the deken manager(Help-find externals) and installed it in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pd\extra" directory.
I've also added the startup flag "-lib Gem "
but the only message i got in the console is: "Gem: can't load library"
Any hints?
Thanks Jose
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