I use the next command to compile gem2pdp from source: ./configure --with-pddir=/usr/include/pdextended --with-gemdir=/home/myname/Desktop/Gem-0.93.3/Gem --with-pdpdir=/usr/lib/pd/extra/pdp
as i use pdextended and no pd folder in include. Gem 0.93.3 is from source compiled on my desktop, so i use that folder, while pdp is loaded from usr/lib/pd/extra folder. Anyway gem2pdp says it can not find Pd and Gem source and stops configuration.
And still a big question why Gem can not render anything? Is it the problem with ATI Radeon cards? As I have this one.
Thakns again:
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:45 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.atwrote:
On 2013-02-11 17:37, Elektro Moon wrote:
strange things are happening. I reinstalled pd-extended 0.43.4 on my Ubuntu. I achieved the polish letters with arialunicode fonts. Than I reinstalled gem2pdp which required Gem 0.92.3 from the repository. So gem2pdp worked but not the polish letters. Uninstalling gem2pdp and adding the path to Gem 93.4 from git-hub caused
quick note: Gem is _not_ hosted on github; please use the repository on sourceforge, as this is he one that is most uptodate; the github clone might be out of date.
again the GL: invalid enumerate in pd. I know that there are fixes to gem2pdp but I never managed to compile from source. Anytime I add the folders where pd.pd_linux, gem.pd_linux and pdp.pd_linux exists, the compilation is stopped with the result of missing Pd and Gem sources. Which are the right folders for this?
for compilation you need the header files, not the binaries (aka: *._pd_linux). on debian, Pd and Gem install their headers into /usr/include/pd resp. /usr/include/Gem. when installing from source, the paths you have to provide depend on where you unpacked the configured sources.
fgamsrd IOhannes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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