james tittle wrote:
...but one thing I'm not understanding: when I have multiple [gemcontrol]'s, a "render on" message to one turns all of them on: it seems like this should be seperated, right? Especially if we're gonna have the ability to alter the frame rate...
right, it is just not yet implemented... (as it would have involved further changes to GemMan, and i was just happy that at least i got multiple windows rendering (more or less) the same....
now what comes to my mind:
should things like background-colour, viewpoint, etc be handled in the GemOutput (as [gemwindow]) or in [gemcontrol] ? i always thought they could be handled by GemOutput, but i am not so sure about this anymore (i guess i put it into GemOutput since [gemcontrol] was still static and i wanted to be able to change the viewport on the different windows independently.
i (now) mean that for a clear separation, "context" (again probably missusing this term) details should be handled within [gemcontrol]. but then we would need some way of synchronizing various independent [gemcontrol]s (e.g. for cave-like applications), probably again by associating the context with a symbolic id (the same as in [gemhead])
i guess this might make sense.
mfg.asd.r IOhannes