On 07/01/2011 01:56 AM, Nicolas Montgermont wrote:
Hello Iohannes,
cool, here it compiles very easily (osx 10.6 / 0.42.5), pix_film, pix_video are working with the Darwin.so plugin text2d is rendered (using libftgl2 from fink) but pix_image crashes pd, this happens with the QT plugin as I have no gem_imageDarwin. if you want more info i can test with gdb when i have more time.
one more guess: could you try sending a [thread 0( message to [pix_image] before loading? afaik, QT is not thread save, and in theory the new image loading code should respect this, but maybe something went wrong.
and also try to run pd/Gem from the cmdline with "-stderr -verbose -verbose" and see what it gets you: $ /Applications/Pd.app/Contents/Resources/bin/pd -stderr -verbose - -verbose -lib /path/to/Gem/Gem masdrt IOhannes