While working on the filmFFMPEG.cpp file I have had problems getting the image to be displayed the correct way. I tried playing with the upsidedown flag in imageStruct, but it wouldn't work. I was using 05.film.pd for testing. When replacing pix_texture2 with pix_texture, I finally got it working.
The problem with pix_texture2 is that the flipping is hardcoded using #ifdefs checking for the apple platform. This #ifdef is also done in line 108 in GemPixUtil.h, and will set upsidedown on all imageStructs on apple.
I created a patch for pix_texture2 which does the test in runtime as it is done in pix_texture. This fixes my problem, but can possibly cause other problems.. :) Is there a reason for hardcoding this?
Regards, Henning Kulander