On Aug 25, 2006, at 12:00 PM, cyrille henry wrote:
i still don't understand how to load a jpg file to MyTex.
attachement is my test patch. it does not render any texture.
...I've attached a modified version of your patch that works here, just reduces the brightness by half...
chris clepper a écrit :
Use a texture sampler in your shader. GLSL has a sampler for 2D and RECT texutres, so make sure you have the right one for the texture type (OSX defaults to RECT while Win/Linux are probably 2D).
...in other words, when using sampler2D, your texture needs to be dimensionally square (ie. 256x256)...also, [pix_texture] usually defaults to loading in "mode 1", which means rectangle textures: make sure you send [mode 0< to it before loading the texture...
...you'll also notice that I rearranged the ordering of operations within the gemchain: this is because we want the program to affect the entire operation of drawing...
...I'll definitely try to work up some other examples while I'm still in hospital, but feeling well...