I'm currently in the way of porting ARToolkitPlus in Drone, an open-source heterogenous computing environment (with dataflow, FSM, and others) (see http://trac.drone.ws). The code will be in Java and will integrate with a library for 3d graphics in Java, that will be coded this winter. I don't know yet wether I'll try to port GEM into Drone (with a JNI bridge) or code another library in JOGL. But in any case, that will be yet another port of AR into a visual programming environment. I'll be following closely Morelli's work and altough right now I didn't really put any of my code available, I'll do it pbly in january when it is a bit more advanced.
patrick wrote:
i was waiting to see if more people would show an interest in this project. i can't believe how much the traffic is low for a technology that will be everywhere in a near future (forums on ar).
anyway the good news is that james tittle is interested in this project and davide morelli already did a big part. we just need the source of pix_artoolkit write by shigeyuki for max/msp. we will port it to pd and then we will try to use artoolkitplus!
shigeyuki can you share your source?
maybe other developers will be interested in joining this effort to bring augmented reality to a dataflow environment. that's why i still cc gem-dev and artoolkit forums.