Hey all,
Simply changing "square" to "curve3d" in the pix_coordinate example crashes PD due to gdb trace at end of this message. (PD 0.38-2 on OSX with Gem 0.90)
1. Create window 2. Load an image (I tired a number of JPG and TIF images)
attached is the test-patch.
I was really looking forward to using pix_coordinate to tile textures, any other way to do this?
Thanks all.
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory. curve3d::render(GemState*) (this=0x784000, state=0xbffffb80) at src/Geos/curve3d.cpp:166 166 in src/Geos/curve3d.cpp (gdb) where #0 curve3d::render(GemState*) (this=0x784000, state=0xbffffb80) at src/Geos/curve3d.cpp:166 #1 0x03203d4c in GemBase::gem_renderMess(GemCache*, GemState*) (this=0x784000, cache=0xdb7, state=0xbffffb80) at src/Base/GemBase.cpp:80 #2 0x0320401c in GemBase::gem_MessCallback(void*, _symbol*, int, _atom*) (data=0x10f1020, s=0xdb7, argc=1, argv=0x3) at src/Base/GemBase.h:145 #3 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44b1d0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #4 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44b1d0) at m_obj.c:445 #5 0x03203d84 in GemBase::gem_renderMess(GemCache*, GemState*) (this=0xbffff0c0, cache=0xdb7, state=0x44b1d0) at src/Base/GemBase.cpp:92 #6 0x0320401c in GemBase::gem_MessCallback(void*, _symbol*, int, _atom*) (data=0x10f1020, s=0xdb7, argc=1, argv=0x3) at src/Base/GemBase.h:145 #7 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44bfd0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #8 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44bfd0) at m_obj.c:445 #9 0x03203d84 in GemBase::gem_renderMess(GemCache*, GemState*) (this=0xbffff2a0, cache=0xdb7, state=0x44bfd0) at src/Base/GemBase.cpp:92 #10 0x0320401c in GemBase::gem_MessCallback(void*, _symbol*, int, _atom*) (data=0x10f1020, s=0xdb7, argc=1, argv=0x3) at src/Base/GemBase.h:145 #11 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44b2e0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #12 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44b2e0) at m_obj.c:445 #13 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44b2e0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #14 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44b2e0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #15 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44b2e0) at m_obj.c:445 #16 0x03203d84 in GemBase::gem_renderMess(GemCache*, GemState*) (this=0xbffff480, cache=0xdb7, state=0x44b2e0) at src/Base/GemBase.cpp:92 #17 0x0320401c in GemBase::gem_MessCallback(void*, _symbol*, int, _atom*) (data=0x10f1020, s=0xdb7, argc=1, argv=0x3) at src/Base/GemBase.h:145 #18 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44cdc0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #19 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44cdc0) at m_obj.c:445 #20 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44cdc0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #21 0x00033364 in pd_typedmess (x=0x44cdc0, s=0x1, argc=18, argv=0x6) at m_class.c:749 #22 0x00034290 in outlet_anything (x=0x340d0ec, s=0xbffff0e0, argc=0, argv=0x44cdc0) at m_obj.c:445 #23 0x03211b90 in gemhead::renderGL(GemState*) (this=0xbffff820, state=0x44cdc0) at src/Controls/gemhead.cpp:106 #24 0x03207238 in GemMan::render(void*) () at src/Base/GemMan.cpp:662 #25 0x000394e8 in sched_tick (next_sys_time=512860160) at m_sched.c:357 #26 0x000397b4 in m_scheduler () at m_sched.c:453 #27 0x000027b4 in _start (argc=0, argv=0x46db80, envp=0xbffffb80) at /SourceCache/Csu/Csu-47/crt.c:267 #28 0x8fe1a558 in __dyld__dyld_start () (gdb) bt
#N canvas 415 336 794 470 10; #X text 452 8 GEM object; #X obj 8 335 cnv 15 430 80 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X text 39 338 Inlets:; #X text 38 385 Outlets:; #X obj 8 296 cnv 15 430 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -195568 -66577 0; #X text 17 295 Arguments:; #X obj 7 76 cnv 15 430 210 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 449 77 cnv 15 170 250 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 453 60 Example:; #X obj 474 344 cnv 15 100 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -195568 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 22 454 304 gemwin 0; #X obj 132 136 gemwin; #X obj 67 89 outlet; #X obj 67 10 inlet; #X obj 67 41 route create; #X msg 67 70 set destroy; #X msg 142 68 set create; #X msg 132 112 create , 1; #X msg 198 112 destroy; #X msg 217 162 color 1 1 1; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 3 0 6 0; #X connect 3 1 5 0; #X connect 3 1 7 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 1 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 7 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X restore 479 383 pd gemwin; #X msg 479 364 destroy; #X text 475 343 Create window:; #X obj 450 188 cnv 15 160 100 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -24198 -66577 0; #X obj 451 84 gemhead; #X text 71 31 Class: pix object; #X obj 510 85 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty pix_load 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #N canvas 0 22 587 366 image 0; #X obj 77 48 inlet; #X obj 77 344 outlet; #X obj 77 205 pix_image ../../doc/gem/examples/data/fractal.JPG; #X obj 223 55 inlet; #X msg 223 123 open $1; #X obj 223 100 openpanel; #X connect 0 0 2 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 5 0; #X connect 4 0 2 0; #X connect 5 0 4 0; #X restore 451 113 pd image; #X text 63 306 <none>; #X text 56 398 Outlet 1: gemlist; #X text 63 352 Inlet 1: gemlist; #X text 516 105 open an image; #X text 509 118 (JPEG , TIFF , ..); #X text 50 12 Synopsis: [pix_coordinate]; #X text 13 76 Description: set the texture-coordinates for a pix; #X text 34 94 pix_coordinate remaps the S , T texture values from the default values. For instance , a texture could repeat by increasing the texture S , T values from 1 , 1 to 2 , 2 (See the examples). ; #X text 63 367 Inlet 2: list: 8 values (4 (s , t)-pairs); #X obj 538 144 loadbang; #X msg 461 237 $1 $1 0 $1 0 0 $1 0; #X floatatom 461 220 3 0 256 0 - - -; #X text 14 159 IMPORTANT NOTE-1: [pix_texture] sets the texture-coordinates to "appropriate" values , so you probably want to use [pix_coordinate] afterwards; #X obj 10 207 cnv 15 420 70 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -225280 -66577 0; #X text 14 209 IMPORTANT NOTE-2: if your hardware supports it , Gem tries to use "rectangle-texturing". This means that normal texture-coordinates range from 0..xsize (resp. 0..ysize). If it is not supported (or forced-off with "mode 0" to [pix_texture]) texture-coordinates range from 0..1 ; #X obj 451 266 pix_coordinate; #X msg 459 193 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1; #X obj 451 296 curve3d 6 6; #X msg 467 167 mode 0 , repeat 1; #X obj 451 136 pix_texture; #X connect 10 0 11 0; #X connect 11 0 10 0; #X connect 14 0 17 0; #X connect 16 0 17 1; #X connect 17 0 37 0; #X connect 27 0 36 0; #X connect 28 0 33 1; #X connect 29 0 28 0; #X connect 33 0 35 0; #X connect 34 0 33 1; #X connect 36 0 37 0; #X connect 37 0 33 0;