james tittle wrote:
...does anyone know the real difference between a constWindow and a Window? They both seem to do similar things...
if i remember it correctly (this is prior to _my_ gem-days), the whole constWindow/Window/... comes out of a hackish support for some early openGL-cards for pc (like the voodoo); getting rid of it is one of the intentions of multiple_windows. (i mean: all the window/context handling should really be rewritten from scratch)
...I'm imagining that we should have window creation something like this (which would also work for multiple_windows):
- somewhere in GemMan, there should be the default, static, initial
values for window parameters
- create a context not attached to window and assign it as the "share"
- gemwin, when it calls GemMan::createWindow, also passes it's own
WindowHints structure, such that GemMan::createWindow (or a sub- function) takes care of filling in default values or whatever has been requested during gemwin's creation, but that shares the "share" context
- gemwin then only modifies it's own WindowHints, but can retain them
when the window is destroyed, and pass them back again if that same window is re-created (for instance, if you decided you didn't want a titlebar/border, and are on a window system that doesn't allow window titlebars to be changed on the fly)
...come to think of it, I bet this is mostly along the lines of multiple_windows, but I don't have that project open in front of me...
i hope to get everything to do with window-handling out of GemMan (ah yes: actually i am talking about multiple_windows; but i don't think that rewriting the window-handling now to change it again rather sooner than later is a splendid idea). the only windowy left-over should be a GemSharedContext (or similar) that is held by GemMan and allows (nona) sharing of..
mfga.sd.r IOhannes