Thanks for your quick reply. I'm sorry I didn't include more details in my first e-mail.
what do you consider necessary? it would be good to know this modifications so they could eventually be incorporated (or at least: handled) in a regular build.
There was one instance where g++ gave an error about a line something like this:
char *x = malloc(...);
so I added a (char *) cast to the malloc. I can send you the name of the source file in which this occured on Monday. There was also a problem in glsl_program.c where two constants were not defined. I don't have the exact deatils in front of me now, but I think they were values passed to functions that checked on whether OpenGL was rendering in hardware or software. I think they occured on lines 283 and 284.
how are you compiling Gem? using configure/make or using xcode (question to jamie&chris: are you using the autoconf build system? (so can we expect it to work :) ?)
aclocal, autoconf, configure and make. I was following the directions given for linux since there were none for OS X.
recordQT::getCodecName(int) recordQT::getCodecDescription(int)
this might be a bug. for now, just delete the files Pixes/record* and Pixes/pix_record.* (don't delete Pixes/pix_recordQT.* if you want to record to a movie)
Thanks. I'll try that and let you know how it works.
Best Regards,