2013/9/10 Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net
chdh is in the process of releasing the patches used for the egregore performance http://www.chdh.net/egregore Shortly after, a live and distant performance will be made where the patches will be executed locally in order to have a good quality sound and images.
Almost everything is ready, but we are facing a problem for the cross-platform compatibility. This performance needs the gem object gemvertexbuffer, that was introduced in july 2012. GEM 93.3 did not have this object (11.2011).
if I remember, the first version was commited just few days after the 93.3 release (on the late of november 2011)... we were too slow :-)
So we are looking for a recent Gem binary for windows, since we already have linux and osx, so that we can distribute in the egregore application. or maybe a backport gemvertexbuffer extern for Gem.
Better would be to create a 94.0 gem tag in order to have something a bit more recent for everyone to use.
any idea how to solve our problem?
one idea is to build Gem on Windows, I have this in mind, to port pix_share_* objects on Windows since i know now how to deal with shared memory on Windows (thanks to what you know ;-) ) so I'm also interested in how to build recent Gem on Windows, is it at least possible with MinGW ?
thanks Cheers c
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