On Jun 18, 2004, at 7:58 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
hi all.
now that the gem-0.90 release is out for some weeks, i think it is time to start some traffic on this list again. (but of course: what to talk about now ? we used to discuss the release for years...)
...sounds good to me!
some points:
so i favour c) (with some b)): each development should be forked into a separate branch in the CVS; the core-developpers of this branch work on the code until they consider it stable and then make a call for testing via the list. after it has proven to run stable on all platforms this tree is merged back in.
i would suggest that the releasing should be done on each merge of a development-branch to the main-trunk that adds new functionality. (this can be discussed; it is just fundamentally different from the last release) the main-trunk can be used for bug-fixing...
...the only thing that I see different about this (from what we've been doing) is that we'll have several branches during development...this is fine as long as we announce that such n'such tag is being worked on for feature X: I would hate to see duplication of effort creep in ;-)
new features: i'm looking forward to vertex-manipulation, pixel-shaders, multiple gemwins, MMX/SSE2, new pixel-effects, pixel-analysis and tons of other things.
...other than the above, I think it'd be nice to re-do the basic render system so that we have control over the different buffers (accumulation, depth, etc): this would go some way toward improving the opengl wrappers functionality, too...also we should integrate more opengl features beyond v1.1 ;-) (thinking specifically of multitexturing, but also a whole litany of things that exist in 1.2-1.5)...maybe it would also be good to add pbuffer support (tho I'm not so certain what the big difference is to "render to texture", and it's certainly buggy on OSX 10.3.4 :-( )...and of course, gotta add more model/animation support (3ds (I've actually almost got something for this atm), vrml, ?), perhaps even some form of game level rendering (thinking quake3 maps or such)?
that's certainly a start! jamie