Thats cool, I think thats an elegant solution. Then I dont get why I still get this message from Gem:
[text2d]: Gem has been compiled without FONT-support !
This is from the latest auto-build (may 9). I can clearly see the libfreetype.6.dylib in the correct path. Well I'm still very green at this, hope you can figure it out. I will keep testing the nightly-builds for font support. This process has been my first experience with compiling anything. BTW i was able to get text support going by including the static library within the Gem build. Gem blew up to 4.2MB, its a fatty but it works for my purposes. Alain
From: Hans-Christoph Steiner Date: 2007/05/09 Wed AM 12:49:15 EDT To: Nose Hair CC:, Pure Data List Subject: Re: [GEM-dev] [PD] Gem Compiling os x xcode problems
Actually, using Fink, I have scripted the build system to automatically include any dynamic libs that are needed. This is already working well for ogg, vorbis, speex, and now PDP stuff. I see no reason why it shouldn't work for Gem too.
If you look in you can see all the included .dylibs.
On May 8, 2007, at 10:24 PM, Nose Hair wrote:
I tested last nights auto-build and it still says gem is compiled without font support. I will give tonight's build a shot and let you know. BTW I think that a static lib pointing to the X11 freetype is the way to go because if someone already has x11 installed they don't have to compile and install freetype from scratch. It's not hard but it would be more of a pain as opposed to installing the X11 package from their Tiger DVD. Alain
On May 8, 2007, at 9:00 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Does freetype have to be statically linked? Will it work with dynamic? Right now, the auto-build compiles with a dynamic freetype lib, and I have a script that includes all the required dynamic libs.
On May 8, 2007, at 10:26 AM, chris clepper wrote:
Use static linking for freetype and FTGL on OSX.
On 5/8/07, <> wrote: I have gotten Gem to compile sucesfully with font support using the xcode project somewhat. I get 1125 warnings, mainly this is the location of the previous definition. My biggets problem is that in my machine I have the latest freetype under usr/local/lib and I also have the freetype that comes with x11 under usr/ X11R6/lib. When I load gen in my machine it loads up fine with text support, but when I load up gem in a machine with only the freetype in usr/X11R6/lib Gem will not load up because it keeps looking for the libfreetype.6.dylib in usr/local/lib. I dont know how to remedy this. Any help would be great. Thanks, Alain mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> listinfo/pd-list
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