On Sep 15, 2004, at 4:40 AM, Ronan Puce Muse wrote:
...is there any reason you didn't just put these into cvs? Stuff like this doesn't really seem to warrant a new branch or anything, if that's scaring you off :-)
i think it is, because cyrille isn't a developper yet. should i add you ?
I am currently doing some stuff about OpenGL extensions and Vertex Shaders (Coming for Fragment Shaders). Some of you may be interrested. But on one hand i am not yet a developper too, and on a nother hand i dont know what is a branch :) and how to set it in cvs.
hi Ronan,
...sounds great, but could you be a bit more specific? I've also been working on extensions (specifically multitexture) and ARB_vertex_program...I don't recall you contributing code, or talking about anything other than questions, so we probably wouldn't want to give you full access atm (I think cyrille is really being demure when he says he's not a programmer :-) )...
...also, there's tons of documentation on cvs, and you should really be familiar with it so as to minimize mistakes: I recommend "man cvs"...
looking forward to what you're thinking about, james