i gave this a go last spring. had it working but haven't had the time to revisit. from my notes, heres is what i used then for x86_64. maybe it will help?
make clean
CPPFLAGS=-I/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/include LDFLAGS="-framework QTKit -L/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/" ./configure --enable-fat-binary=x86_64 --with-pd=/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/include/pd/ --with-ftgl-includes=/sw/include/ --with-libvlc-includes=-I/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/include --with-libvlc-libs=-L/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib --with-default-font=vera.ttf --with-defaultwindow=gemcocoawindow --with-video=plugins --with-film=plugins --without-ImageMagick --without-libquicktime --prefix=$HOME/Library/Pd/ --includedir=$HOME/Library/Pd/include --libdir=$HOME/Library/Pd/
install_name_tool -change @loader_path/lib/libvlc.5.dylib /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libvlc.5.dylib gem_videoVLC.so
make install
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Joson Android joson.android@googlemail.com wrote:
Dear Gem devs!
I would really like make use of the possibilities of opening video with vlc backend, but i don*t get the vlc plugin to work.
i compiled Gem modifying the configure like this:
PKG_LIBVLC_CFLAGS=-I/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/include PKG_LIBVLC_LIBS="-L/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib -lvlc" ./configure --with-pd=/Applications/Pd-0.43.1-extended.app/Contents/Resources/include/pd/ --enable-fat-binary=i386 --with-ftgl-includes=/sw/include/ --with-libvlc-includes=-I/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/include --with-libvlc-libs="-L/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib -lvlc"
i get the "gem_videoVLC.so" file but when i start pd through terminal i can read:
pattern : ./gem_video*.so dylib loading file './gem_videoDarwin.so'! dylib loading file './gem_videoVLC.so'! library loading returned: dlerror 'dlopen(./gem_videoVLC.so, 2): Symbol not found: _libvlc_media_add_option Referenced from: /Library/Pd/Gem/gem_videoVLC.so Expected in: flat namespace in /Library/Pd/Gem/gem_videoVLC.so'
and in Pd there is only the darwin backend found when i create [pix_video]
[pix_video]: backend #0='Darwin' : darwin dv iidc analog
does anyone know how to solve this?
i am not experienced with compiling, so i have no clue how to proceed. I found a list discussion where similar problem was discussed, but not solved.
i use OSX 10.6.8 and pd-extended-0.43.1
i compiled Gem from git so it shows at pd startup:
GEM: ver: 0.93.git 305f6a6
thanks in advance
ps: i love gem, and vlc would make it even lovelier
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