I'd like to fix plugins linking problem, here is the error message:
dylib loading file '/home/patco/pd-externals/Gem/gem_filmGMERLIN.so'!
library loading returned: dlerror 'libmpcdec.so.5: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory'
dylib loading file '/home/patco/pd-externals/Gem/gem_imageMAGICK.so'!
library loading returned: dlerror 'libMagick++-6.Q16HDRI.so.6: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory'
I'm focusing on gem_filmGMERLIN...
Make compiles last Gem sources from git until the end on my archlinux
machine, but the error still remains, it doesn't seem to link to
installed libmpcdec.so.6.
I'd like to compile the plugin only for figuring out what's happening
without compiling everything, but I don't know the command line for that.
Thanks for any hint.