Thanks for the tip on the src files James,
So, I was able to compile Gem.pd_darwin with one Gem.pd_darwin is
12.6MB whereas the G4 distribution is 17.9MB. Obviously, something went wrong
here. For grins, I tried to run PD/GEM with the version I compiled. PD
loaded, I saw the console window and then it quit without saying anything not
even about GEM. I thent tried it with the G4 distro from iem and everything
was normal. At this point, I have no idea what went wrong. I have all of the
files/frameworks etc. The last thing I was having problems with was trying to
get Xcode to find libftgl.a. I gave the project a path to this file in the
resource path settings and it compiled.
I did do one thing that I wasn't sure about. I made an errant click in the
xcode project, but I wasn't sure what exactly I did. I ended up getting some
erorrs that I hadn't seen before and unchecked gemextwin.cpp and gemextwin.h
from the project since they included /Base/GemOutput.h.
During compilation I had 41 warnings which looked mostly harmless to me from
tube.h, pix_texture.cpp, pix_halftone.cpp, model_loader.cpp, GemPixUtil.cpp,
and pix_videoDarwin.cpp.
Maybe someone has come across this situation before?
Any suggestions?