I work with a patch where I read 3 video streams from v4l devices, created
with the vloopback kernel module.
These 3 streams are mapped on 3D objects wich I contol using midi.
After updating to the latest Gem release this became very slow. They seem to
play only one stream at the time.
So fist object 1 plays for a sec or two, than stops and then object 2 starts
playing for a sec or two, stops, an then object 3 and back to 1 again.
I tested with only one stream, this works fine, but as soon as I open 2,
they start to switch in playtime again.
I tried down grading to 0.92.3, which was the stable when I designed this
patch, but the result is the same.
If I test the v4l stream with for example VLC the stream runs smooth.
I run pdextended 0.42.5 on a linux system with kernel 2.8.37 (after that
vloopback is not supported anymore, cause it needs the v4l compat. support
kernel option.)
The video streams are generated with LiVES 1.4.4. It supports the vlooback
output options. It is a UYV clamped stream, 280 pix wide:
*** Using vloopback plugin for fs playback, agreed to use palette type
519 ( UYVY:Y'CbCr (clamped) ).
I run this patch on intel with 6 cores and nvida card.
What could be the cause that just one stream at the time plays in GEM?