I've copy-pasted your code (with libmagick first) and I still get a
This is on debian lenny.
In the final version libmagick and libgphoto are loaded at runtime, how
can the conflict be resolved? (make sure libmagick loads first?)
Should not all lenny packages be compiled in a method that allows them
to be used together? Is this a debian bug? (I'm now using stable
versions of both libmagick and libgphoto)
How to resolve this?
Marcus Meissner wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 09:02:09AM -0800, B. Bogart wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I reported a problem with my gphoto plugin interfering with another
>> Puredata plugin (GEM) linking against libmagick.
>> Seems that indeed libgphoto2 and libmagick have some conflict.
>> Looks like gphoto2 calls end up calling libmagick.
>> Can anyone reproduce this issue?
> I tried
> cc xx.c -o xx -I/usr/include/gphoto2 -I/usr/include/libexif -lc -lm -lMagick++ -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port -lexif -lm -lusb
> ./xx
> and it worked.
> The reason it might happen is that ImageMagick has compiled in its
> own libtool version which might be incompatible to libgphoto2 / the
> system one.
> Ciao, Marcus