GEM-dev February 2005
  • 12 participants
  • 19 discussions
pf/pdp/3dp in Gem
by Tom Schouten 11 Aug '06

11 Aug '06
10 62
0 0
Re: multiple_window: the questions begin!
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 16 Dec '05

16 Dec '05
5 16
0 0
Re: [PD] gem renders a teapot with 2 heads!
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 24 Feb '05

24 Feb '05
installing GEM on Fedora Core 3
by Javier F Gorostiza 23 Feb '05

23 Feb '05

23 Feb '05
Re: meanwhile, in gempixutil...
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 22 Feb '05

22 Feb '05
Re: meanwhile, in gempixutil...
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 22 Feb '05

22 Feb '05
checking for avi...
by patrick 14 Feb '05

14 Feb '05
undefined symbol
by Tim Blechmann 09 Feb '05

09 Feb '05
setting DISPLAY variable for gemwin
by Sebastian Heymann 09 Feb '05

09 Feb '05
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