Hello, im compiling pyext 0.1.1 (with flext-0.4.4) and gcc3.2.2 (from a stock redhat 9.0) reports the following error:
g++ -c -O6 -mcpu=pentiumpro -DPD -DFLEXT_THREADS -I/usr/lib/pd/include -I/usr/include/python2.2 -I/usr/lib/pd/flext source/bound.cpp -o pd-linux/bound.o source/bound.cpp: In static member function `static PyObject* pyext::pyext_unbind(PyObject*, PyObject*)': source/bound.cpp:107: base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `t_object'
Has somebody already solved a similar problem and know a solution ?
--------------------------- source/bound.cpp: ... // search proxy object py_proxy *pp = NULL,*px = px_head ... // do unbind if(px) { pd_unbind(&px->obj.ob_pd,recv); line 107-> object_free(px->obj);
Py_DECREF(self); Py_DECREF(self); if(PyMethod_Check(meth)) Py_DECREF(meth); }
Hi Jerome,
source/bound.cpp:107: base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `t_object'
Has somebody already solved a similar problem and know a solution ?
the line 107
line 107-> object_free(px->obj);
should rather be
The same applies to the similar occurence in function ClearBinding(). It has already been fixed in cvs a while ago... i'll put out a packaged version shortly.
best greetings, Thomas