Hi, i tried to compile the uDMX ( http://www.anyma.ch/research/udmx/ ) external on winxp. which worked after some trial and error. but now my question is: can somebody tell me by looking an the source why it crashes pd if i send a float message to the right inlet (there is no device connected - so maybe it wont crash if there is, but i'm curious how to figure out the reason) i started pd with -d (different numbers) and there was no output related to the crash (which debug level is the best for this case?) best g.
/* udmx.c pd-Interface to the [ a n y m a | udmx - Open Source USB Sensor Box ] Authors: Michael Egger Copyright: 2007 [ a n y m a ] Website: www.anyma.ch License: GNU GPL 2.0 www.gnu.org Version: 0.1 2007-01-28 */
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "uDMX_cmds.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "usb.h" /* this is libusb, see http://libusb.sourceforge.net/ */
#define USBDEV_SHARED_VENDOR 0x16C0 /* VOTI */ #define USBDEV_SHARED_PRODUCT 0x05DC /* Obdev's free shared PID */
typedef struct _uDMX // defines our object's internal variables for each instance in a patch { t_object p_ob; // object header - ALL objects MUST begin with this... usb_dev_handle *dev_handle; // handle to the uDMX usb device int debug_flag; int channel; // int value - received from the right inlet and stored internally for each object instance } t_uDMX;
void *uDMX_class; // global pointer to the object class - so max can reference the object
// these are prototypes for the methods that are defined below void uDMX_int(t_uDMX *x, long n); void uDMX_debug(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av); void uDMX_list(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av); void uDMX_open(t_uDMX *x); void uDMX_close(t_uDMX *x); void *uDMX_new(long n); static int usbGetStringAscii(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid, char *buf, int buflen); void find_device(t_uDMX *x);
void uDMX_setup(void) {
uDMX_class = class_new ( gensym("uDMX"),(t_newmethod)uDMX_new, 0, sizeof(t_uDMX), CLASS_DEFAULT,0); class_addfloat(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_int); // the method for an int in the left inlet (inlet 0) class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_debug,gensym("debug"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addlist(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_list); class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_open, gensym("open"), 0); class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_close, gensym("close"), 0);
post("uDMX version 0.9 - (c) 2006 [ a n y m a ]",0); // post any important info to the max window when our object is laoded } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
void uDMX_int(t_uDMX *x, long n) // x = the instance of the object; n = the int received in the left inlet { unsigned char buffer[8]; int nBytes;
if (n > 255) n=255; if (n < 0) n=0; if (x->channel > 512) x->channel=512; if (x->channel < 0) x->channel=0; if (!(x->dev_handle)) find_device(x); else { nBytes = usb_control_msg(x->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cmd_SetSingleChannel, n, x->channel, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 5000); if(nBytes < 0) if (x->debug_flag) error("uDMX: USB error: %s", usb_strerror()); } }
void uDMX_list(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av) { int i; unsigned char* buf = malloc(ac); int nBytes;
if (x->channel > 512) x->channel=512; if (x->channel < 0) x->channel=0;
if (!(x->dev_handle)) find_device(x); else {
if (x->debug_flag) post("uDMX: ac: %i\n", ac); for(i=0; i<ac; ++i,av++) { if (av->a_type==A_FLOAT) buf[i] = MIN(MAX(av->a_w.w_float, 0), 255); else buf[i] = 0; } nBytes = usb_control_msg(x->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cmd_SetChannelRange, ac, x->channel, buf, ac, 5000); if (x->debug_flag) post( "bytes returned: %i\n", nBytes); if(nBytes < 0) if (x->debug_flag) error("uDMX: USB error: %s\n", usb_strerror()); else if(nBytes > 0) if (x->debug_flag) post("uDMX: returned: %i\n", (int)(buf[0])); free(buf); } }
void uDMX_debug(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av) // x = the instance of the object; n = the int received in the left inlet { x->debug_flag = 1; if (ac) { if (av->a_type==A_FLOAT) x->debug_flag = av->a_w.w_float; } }
void uDMX_free(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) usb_close(x->dev_handle); }
void uDMX_open(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) { post("uDMX: There is already a connection to www.anyma.ch/uDMX",0); } else find_device(x); }
void uDMX_close(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) { usb_close(x->dev_handle); x->dev_handle = NULL; post("uDMX: Closed connection to www.anyma.ch/uDMX",0); } else post("uDMX: There was no open connection to www.anyma.ch/uDMX",0); }
void *uDMX_new(long n) // n = int argument typed into object box (A_DEFLONG) -- defaults to 0 if no args are typed { t_uDMX *x; // local variable (pointer to a t_uDMX data structure)
x = (t_uDMX *)pd_new(uDMX_class); // create a new instance of this object // create a second int inlet (leftmost inlet is automatic - all objects have one inlet by default) floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_float *)x->channel); //assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel
x->channel = 0; x->debug_flag = 0; x->dev_handle = NULL; find_device(x);
return(x); // return a reference to the object instance }
static int usbGetStringAscii(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid, char *buf, int buflen) { char buffer[256]; int rval, i;
if((rval = usb_control_msg(dev, USB_ENDPOINT_IN, USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, (USB_DT_STRING << 8) + index, langid, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1000)) < 0) return rval; if(buffer[1] != USB_DT_STRING) return 0; if((unsigned char)buffer[0] < rval) rval = (unsigned char)buffer[0]; rval /= 2; /* lossy conversion to ISO Latin1 */ for(i=1;i<rval;i++){ if(i > buflen) /* destination buffer overflow */ break; buf[i-1] = buffer[2 * i]; if(buffer[2 * i + 1] != 0) /* outside of ISO Latin1 range */ buf[i-1] = '?'; } buf[i-1] = 0; return i-1; }
void find_device(t_uDMX *x) { usb_dev_handle *handle = NULL; struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev;
usb_init(); usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); for(bus=usb_get_busses(); bus; bus=bus->next){ for(dev=bus->devices; dev; dev=dev->next){ if(dev->descriptor.idVendor == USBDEV_SHARED_VENDOR && dev->descriptor.idProduct == USBDEV_SHARED_PRODUCT){ char string[256]; int len; handle = usb_open(dev); /* we need to open the device in order to query strings */ if(!handle){ error ("Warning: cannot open USB device: %s", usb_strerror()); continue; } /* now find out whether the device actually is uDMX */ len = usbGetStringAscii(handle, dev->descriptor.iManufacturer, 0x0409, string, sizeof(string)); if(len < 0){ post("uDMX: warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: %s", usb_strerror()); goto skipDevice; }
// post("uDMX: seen device from vendor ->%s<-", string); if(strcmp(string, "www.anyma.ch") != 0) goto skipDevice; len = usbGetStringAscii(handle, dev->descriptor.iProduct, 0x0409, string, sizeof(string)); if(len < 0){ post("uDMX: warning: cannot query product for device: %s", usb_strerror()); goto skipDevice; } // post("uDMX: seen product ->%s<-", string); if(strcmp(string, "uDMX") == 0) break; skipDevice: usb_close(handle); handle = NULL; } } if(handle) break; } if(!handle){ post("uDMX: Could not find USB device www.anyma.ch/uDMX"); x->dev_handle = NULL; } else { x->dev_handle = handle; post("uDMX: Found USB device www.anyma.ch/uDMX"); } }
hi georg, i had the same problem when i tried compiling uDMX on linux. the trouble i think is in the new method:
floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_float *)x->channel); //assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel
where channel is an int. this compiles but crashed pd when second inlet is used. for me it worked to rewrite it using inlet_new() instead:
inlet_new(&x->p_ob, &x->p_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
then of course you need a dedicated method to assign the input to x-
something like:
void uDMX_ft1(t_uDMX *x, t_floatarg f) { x->channel = f; ... }
but why don't you ask michi himself. normally he is quite responsive. volker.
On 26 May 2009, at 09:26, Georg Werner wrote:
Hi, i tried to compile the uDMX ( http://www.anyma.ch/research/udmx/ ) external on winxp. which worked after some trial and error. but now my question is: can somebody tell me by looking an the source why it crashes pd if i send a float message to the right inlet (there is no device connected - so maybe it wont crash if there is, but i'm curious how to figure out the reason) i started pd with -d (different numbers) and there was no output related to the crash (which debug level is the best for this case?) best g.
hi volker,
thanks for your answer, i will ask him, too but thought it is something pd-related i could learn from - and so did i. thanks. g. the second question i still open (how to debug those things? -d option?) if someone has advice ...
volker böhm schrieb:
hi georg, i had the same problem when i tried compiling uDMX on linux. the trouble i think is in the new method:
floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_float *)x->channel); //assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel
where channel is an int. this compiles but crashed pd when second inlet is used. for me it worked to rewrite it using inlet_new() instead:
inlet_new(&x->p_ob, &x->p_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
then of course you need a dedicated method to assign the input to x->channel something like:
void uDMX_ft1(t_uDMX *x, t_floatarg f) { x->channel = f; ... }
but why don't you ask michi himself. normally he is quite responsive. volker.
On 26 May 2009, at 09:26, Georg Werner wrote:
Hi, i tried to compile the uDMX ( http://www.anyma.ch/research/udmx/ ) external on winxp. which worked after some trial and error. but now my question is: can somebody tell me by looking an the source why it crashes pd if i send a float message to the right inlet (there is no device connected - so maybe it wont crash if there is, but i'm curious how to figure out the reason) i started pd with -d (different numbers) and there was no output related to the crash (which debug level is the best for this case?) best g.
Pd-dev mailing list Pd-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
i asked michael eggers (the developer of uDMX) and he did answer very quickly. if anybody needs it here is my .dll file for win32 and the udmx.c. cheers georg
volker böhm schrieb:
hi georg, i had the same problem when i tried compiling uDMX on linux. the trouble i think is in the new method:
floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_float *)x->channel); //assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel
where channel is an int. this compiles but crashed pd when second inlet is used. for me it worked to rewrite it using inlet_new() instead:
inlet_new(&x->p_ob, &x->p_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
then of course you need a dedicated method to assign the input to x->channel something like:
void uDMX_ft1(t_uDMX *x, t_floatarg f) { x->channel = f; ... }
but why don't you ask michi himself. normally he is quite responsive. volker.
On 26 May 2009, at 09:26, Georg Werner wrote:
Hi, i tried to compile the uDMX ( http://www.anyma.ch/research/udmx/ ) external on winxp. which worked after some trial and error. but now my question is: can somebody tell me by looking an the source why it crashes pd if i send a float message to the right inlet (there is no device connected - so maybe it wont crash if there is, but i'm curious how to figure out the reason) i started pd with -d (different numbers) and there was no output related to the crash (which debug level is the best for this case?) best g.
Pd-dev mailing list Pd-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
/* uDMX.c pd-Interface to the [ a n y m a | udmx - Open Source USB Sensor Box ] Authors: Michael Egger Copyright: 2007 [ a n y m a ] Website: www.anyma.ch License: GNU GPL 2.0 www.gnu.org Version: 0.2 2009-06-30 0.1 2007-01-28 */
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "uDMX_cmds.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "usb.h" /* this is libusb, see http://libusb.sourceforge.net/ */
#define USBDEV_SHARED_VENDOR 0x16C0 /* VOTI */ #define USBDEV_SHARED_PRODUCT 0x05DC /* Obdev's free shared PID */
typedef struct _uDMX // defines our object's internal variables for each instance in a patch { t_object p_ob; // object header - ALL objects MUST begin with this... usb_dev_handle *dev_handle; // handle to the uDMX usb device int debug_flag; int channel; // int value - received from the right inlet and stored internally for each object instance } t_uDMX;
void *uDMX_class; // global pointer to the object class - so max can reference the object
// these are prototypes for the methods that are defined below void uDMX_int(t_uDMX *x, long n); void uDMX_setchannel(t_uDMX *x, t_floatarg f); void uDMX_debug(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av); void uDMX_list(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av); void uDMX_open(t_uDMX *x); void uDMX_close(t_uDMX *x); void *uDMX_new(long n); static int usbGetStringAscii(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid, char *buf, int buflen); void find_device(t_uDMX *x);
void uDMX_setup(void) {
uDMX_class = class_new ( gensym("uDMX"),(t_newmethod)uDMX_new, 0, sizeof(t_uDMX), CLASS_DEFAULT,0); class_addfloat(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_int); // the method for an int in the left inlet (inlet 0) class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_debug,gensym("debug"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addlist(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_list); class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_open, gensym("open"), 0); class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_close, gensym("close"), 0); class_addmethod(uDMX_class, (t_method)uDMX_setchannel, gensym("setchannel"), A_FLOAT, 0);
post("uDMX version 0.9 - (c) 2006 [ a n y m a ]",0); // post any important info to the max window when our object is laoded } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
void uDMX_int(t_uDMX *x, long n) // x = the instance of the object; n = the int received in the left inlet { unsigned char buffer[8]; int nBytes;
if (n > 255) n=255; if (n < 0) n=0; if (x->channel > 512) x->channel=512; if (x->channel < 0) x->channel=0; if (!(x->dev_handle)) find_device(x); else { nBytes = usb_control_msg(x->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cmd_SetSingleChannel, n, x->channel, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 5000); if(nBytes < 0) if (x->debug_flag) error("uDMX: USB error: %s", usb_strerror()); } }
void uDMX_setchannel(t_uDMX *x, t_floatarg f) { x->channel = f; }
void uDMX_list(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av) { int i; unsigned char* buf = malloc(ac); int nBytes; int n;
if (x->channel > 512) x->channel=512; if (x->channel < 0) x->channel=0;
if (!(x->dev_handle)) find_device(x); else {
if (x->debug_flag) post("uDMX: ac: %i\n", ac); for(i=0; i<ac; ++i,av++) { if (av->a_type==A_FLOAT) { n = (int) av->a_w.w_float; if (n > 255) n=255; if (n < 0) n=0;
buf[i] = n; } else buf[i] = 0; } nBytes = usb_control_msg(x->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cmd_SetChannelRange, ac, x->channel, buf, ac, 5000); if (x->debug_flag) post( "bytes returned: %i\n", nBytes); if(nBytes < 0) if (x->debug_flag) error("uDMX: USB error: %s\n", usb_strerror()); else if(nBytes > 0) if (x->debug_flag) post("uDMX: returned: %i\n", (int)(buf[0])); free(buf); } }
void uDMX_debug(t_uDMX *x, t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av) // x = the instance of the object; n = the int received in the left inlet { x->debug_flag = 1; if (ac) { if (av->a_type==A_FLOAT) x->debug_flag = av->a_w.w_float; } }
void uDMX_free(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) usb_close(x->dev_handle); }
void uDMX_open(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) { post("uDMX: There is already a connection to www.anyma.ch/udmx",0); } else find_device(x); }
void uDMX_close(t_uDMX *x) { if (x->dev_handle) { usb_close(x->dev_handle); x->dev_handle = NULL; post("uDMX: Closed connection to www.anyma.ch/udmx",0); } else post("uDMX: There was no open connection to www.anyma.ch/udmx",0); }
void *uDMX_new(long n) // n = int argument typed into object box (A_DEFLONG) -- defaults to 0 if no args are typed { t_uDMX *x; // local variable (pointer to a t_uDMX data structure)
x = (t_uDMX *)pd_new(uDMX_class); // create a new instance of this object // create a second int inlet (leftmost inlet is automatic - all objects have one inlet by default) // floatinlet_new(x, x->channel); //crashes on PD .... assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel inlet_new(&x->p_ob, &x->p_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("setchannel"));
x->channel = 0; x->debug_flag = 0; x->dev_handle = NULL; find_device(x);
return(x); // return a reference to the object instance }
static int usbGetStringAscii(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid, char *buf, int buflen) { char buffer[256]; int rval, i;
if((rval = usb_control_msg(dev, USB_ENDPOINT_IN, USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, (USB_DT_STRING << 8) + index, langid, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1000)) < 0) return rval; if(buffer[1] != USB_DT_STRING) return 0; if((unsigned char)buffer[0] < rval) rval = (unsigned char)buffer[0]; rval /= 2; /* lossy conversion to ISO Latin1 */ for(i=1;i<rval;i++){ if(i > buflen) /* destination buffer overflow */ break; buf[i-1] = buffer[2 * i]; if(buffer[2 * i + 1] != 0) /* outside of ISO Latin1 range */ buf[i-1] = '?'; } buf[i-1] = 0; return i-1; }
void find_device(t_uDMX *x) { usb_dev_handle *handle = NULL; struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev;
usb_init(); usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); for(bus=usb_get_busses(); bus; bus=bus->next){ for(dev=bus->devices; dev; dev=dev->next){ if(dev->descriptor.idVendor == USBDEV_SHARED_VENDOR && dev->descriptor.idProduct == USBDEV_SHARED_PRODUCT){ char string[256]; int len; handle = usb_open(dev); /* we need to open the device in order to query strings */ if(!handle){ error ("Warning: cannot open USB device: %s", usb_strerror()); continue; } /* now find out whether the device actually is uDMX */ len = usbGetStringAscii(handle, dev->descriptor.iManufacturer, 0x0409, string, sizeof(string)); if(len < 0){ post("uDMX: warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: %s", usb_strerror()); goto skipDevice; }
// post("uDMX: seen device from vendor ->%s<-", string); if(strcmp(string, "www.anyma.ch") != 0) goto skipDevice; len = usbGetStringAscii(handle, dev->descriptor.iProduct, 0x0409, string, sizeof(string)); if(len < 0){ post("uDMX: warning: cannot query product for device: %s", usb_strerror()); goto skipDevice; } // post("uDMX: seen product ->%s<-", string); if(strcmp(string, "uDMX") == 0) break; skipDevice: usb_close(handle); handle = NULL; } } if(handle) break; } if(!handle){ post("uDMX: Could not find USB device www.anyma.ch/udmx"); x->dev_handle = NULL; } else { x->dev_handle = handle; post("uDMX: Found USB device www.anyma.ch/udmx"); } }
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Georg Werner wrote:
i asked michael eggers (the developer of uDMX) and he did answer very quickly. if anybody needs it here is my .dll file for win32 and the udmx.c. cheers georg
floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_float *)x->channel); //assigns float in inlet 2 directly to channel inlet_new(&x->p_ob, &x->p_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
Isn't that a matter of using the ampersand in front of x->channel ? What you use as a t_float * must be at least a pointer to something that can be used as a float... but this can be pretty much only t_float or t_word or aliases for either of them. So probably the (t_float *) cast shouldn't be there at all and there should just be the ampersand that it would need anyway... unless x->channel is really a pointer to the variable... I haven't seen the source code of this.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec