** [bugs:#1251] nbx and nan**
**Status:** open **Group:** v0.47 **Labels:** nbx **Created:** Sun Jun 19, 2016 05:37 PM UTC by Anonymous **Last Updated:** Sun Jun 19, 2016 05:37 PM UTC **Owner:** Miller Puckette
I see the 'nan' issue is solved in the atom box, but there's still a similar issue with [nbx].
The number2 GUI [nbx] has the same bug of not displaying "nan" - but it used to be able to do it before (so it's a bug again). One thing is that while the atom box could still print "nan" from its output even when it was buggy, the issue with number box is that it outputs the last value, so it may be a bit more complicated than just having it displaying it.
tested on pd 0.47-1
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